清白,无罪,纯洁 没有找到,下面的是自己翻译的,本人英语水平有限,翻译的不好,请大家见凉! 当我醒来,我发现,一切都是那么美好 我第一次感觉到 它是如此美妙 我慢慢的环顾四周 惊奇的发现 原来小小的事情竟可以让生活变的美好 我不会去做任何改变 因为这种感觉如此美妙 一份纯真的感情 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的完美 请不要离开 我需要你 我要抓住这时刻 不会让你与我擦身而过 我发现一个让我倍感安全的地方 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的美好 生命中我第一次感到 它是如此的清晰 我的心静如止水 我感到高兴 这种感觉如此强烈 此刻,我敞开自己的心扉 我不会去做任何改变 因为这种感觉如此美妙 一份纯真的感情 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的完美 请不要离开 我需要你 我要抓住这时刻 不会让你与我擦身而过 这是你内心的祈祷 你梦想它成为真实 你感到内心愉悦 它是如此美好 感动的让人好想落泪 它是如此美好 感动的让人好想落泪 一份纯真的感情 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的完美 请不要离开 我需要你 我要抓住这时刻 不会让你与我擦身而过 一份纯真的感情 我希望它能够停留 这一刻是多么的完美 请不要离开 我需要你 我要抓住这时刻 不会让你与我擦身而过
作为形容词基本就是无罪, 无辜, 天真, 也可以作为名词, 说一个无罪, 无辜, 天真的人。英文详解如下:innocent |ˈinəsənt|adjective1 not guilty of a crime or offense: the arbitrary execution of an innocent man | he was innocent of any fraud.• ( innocent of) without; lacking : a street quite innocent of bookstores.• ( innocent of) without experience or knowledge of : a man innocent of war’s cruelties.2 not responsible for or directly involved in an event yet suffering its consequences : an innocent bystander.3 free from moral wrong; not corrupted : an innocent child.• simple; naive : she is a poor, innocent young creature.4 not intended to cause harm or offense; harmless : an innocent mistake.nounan innocent person, in particular• a pure, guileless, or naive person : she was an innocent compared with this man.• a person involved by chance in a situation, esp. a victim of crime or war : they are prepared to kill or maim innocents in pursuit of a cause.• ( the Innocents) the young children killed by Herod after the birth of Jesus (Matt. 2:16).DERIVATIVESinnocently adverbORIGIN Middle English : from Old French, or from Latin innocent- ‘not harming,’ from in- ‘not’ + nocere ‘to hurt.’USAGE Innocent properly means ’harmless,’ but it has long been extended in general language to mean ’not guilty.’ The jury (or judge) in a criminal trial does not, strictly speaking, find a defendant ’innocent.’ Rather, a defendant may be : guilty or : not guilty of the charges brought. In common use, however, owing perhaps to the concept of the : presumption of innocence, which instructs a jury to consider a defendant free of wrongdoing until proven guilty on the basis of evidence, ’not guilty’ and ’innocent’ have come to be thought of as synonymous. See also usage at plead .
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