alternatively的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:美喊野语音标:转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译adv.二者择一地;作为选返厅择;或者单词例句用作副词 (adv.)We could take the train or alternatively go by car. 我们可以坐火车去,也可以坐汽车去。We could drive all the way. Alternatively, we could fly. 我们可以一路开车。作为选择,我们也可以坐飞机。Come with us, alternatively, meet us there. 同我们一道去,或者在那儿兴我们会合。
先回答你第一拆贺个问题吧LS讲的not expensive in general是说 这个东西除了贵还有别的性质,不妥正确的应该是It is more than a little expensive.alternativelyin place of, or as an alternative to就是着重在旅空派 代替 的意思上比如这个句子:alternatively we could buy a used car我们亏稿买个二手车作为替代也有 两者择一,或者 的意思,但这又跟also意思不一样列举某些例子前可以用for instance,for example,such as等
We can have a party alternatively just have a chat in a cafe. 这句好像没有交替地的意思 只有 OR 的意思?是的 你是对的。 alternative: 两茄昌虚者(或若干)中择一的; 非此即彼的 We therefore fear the error must have been due to a typing mistake. 这句好像很类聚 ..不要 due to 可以吗? 可以的。 We therefore fear it is a typing error. 因此,我们担心是打错字。We therefore fear the error is a typing mistake. 因此,我们担心的错误是打错字。We therefore fear the error is a typo. 因此,我们担心的颤燃错误是打错字。 (1)alternatively是另外 alternately才是交替 (2)due to是由于 不可不要-error是因typing mistake才有 但typing mistake不是那个error. We can have a party alternatively just have a chat in a cafe. 这句好像没有交替地的意思 只有 OR 的意思 对,既然是or的意思,为何用一个咁长的字,而且文法亦不太对, 比较正统的写法: We can has a party alternatively we can just have a chat in a cafe. 或用or We can have a party or just have a chat in a cafe. 当用or时,不要加个’,’ 你问交替的意思,是否你误会了alterate这个字。这个字才是替换的意思。 We therefore fear the error must have been due to a typing mistake. 这句好像很类聚 ..不要 due to 可以吗? 类紧-》累赘 due to这句其中一个关键词。意思是「由于」 这句是查证出错的原因,所以指出「因由」是重点。 当然可以用另一个字取代due to,但不可以写成must have been a typing mistake.因为前面说的error并不是说typing mistake就是问题,而是由于打错字所以衍生出error来。例如打错10 000倍而公布为10 000 000倍这种error. We therefore fear the error must have been caused by a typing mistake. 字数一样,但会清楚指出你要表达的是发现「引致」出错的原因。 We can have a party alternatively just have a chat in a cafe. 这句好像没有交替地的意思 只有 OR 的意思= YES YOUR ARE RIGHT. It is simple and straight-forward to say: We can have a party or have a chat in a cafe instead. We therefore fear the error must have been due to a typing mistake. 这句好像很类聚 ..不要 due to 可以迅拍吗? YES IT IS CLUMSY. WE CAN REWIRTE IT AS :- We are afraid that the error must be a typing mistake. We are afraid that it must be a typing error. fear is not as good as "are afraid " in these sentences. 1) We can have a party instead of just having a chat in a cafe. 2) We therefore feared that the mistake might be due to a typing error.

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