台积电又不是国有企业,为什么要阻拦?想去就去,不想去就不去,都是生意。还有,你不会以为没有台积电的芯片,我国就没有芯片用了吧?2021年中国大陆进口芯片:10000亿来自台湾,6000亿来自韩国,4000亿来自越南。台积电不往大陆卖芯片,找韩国、越南呗。就算全都不卖了,芯片又不是不能国产,最多也就是性能落后一代、电子产品竞争力下降。小区门口的粮油店搬走了,难道整个小区的人就没有米吃了?不会吧 不会吧 不会吧。粮油店搬走了,你去超市买呗。或者去网上买呗。一家粮油店搬走了,其他家很快就会来补这个窟窿。为啥要想着阻拦粮油店搬迁呢?你管得着么?
英文版:"Over 80% of US manufacturing will return in three years?" The achievement of the former president is now being boasted about by the current president.
According to the "US Manufacturing Reshoring Index," U.S. media is convinced that over 84% of American companies will partially or fully reshore their manufacturing operations by 2025. Personally, I think that with the presidential election approaching, the current U.S. president is boasting about the achievements of the former president again.
What did the former U.S. president do for the reshoring of manufacturing?
After taking office, the former U.S. president was committed to revitalizing American manufacturing and proposed a series of policies and plans. He made adjustments in trade, taxation, regulation and other areas aimed at promoting reshoring of manufacturing, hoping to bring competitive industries back to the United States.
He took various measures to protect domestic producers, such as imposing tariffs on Chinese imports, negotiating the USMCA free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada, and withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. These actions helped to make American manufacturing more attractive and led domestic companies to no longer only consider cost advantages when outsourcing production.
He hit the pain points of China, such as prohibiting Huawei from purchasing chips and using the Android system, which caused Huawei’s market share to decline rapidly after briefly ranking first in the world. He invited TSMC and other chip foundries to build factories in the United States and brought all chip foundries in the world under America’s control. He prevented advanced lithography machines from being exported to China, causing China’s chip design to stagnate at 3 nm. He punished Chinese universities, making it difficult for top-notch talent in China’s high-end manufacturing industry to study abroad and return home normally.
He proposed reducing corporate tax burdens, eliminating various obstacles in the operation and production process, and making it easier for businesses to obtain financial support. This not only allowed American companies to reshore manufacturing domestically, but also attracted some Chinese companies to build factories in the United States. He proposed government procurement with "Buy American" priority, which promoted the formation of a complete supply chain for some products in the United States.
The so-called reshoring of manufacturing has limitations.
The so-called reshoring of manufacturing in the United States is actually a big pie with significant industry limitations. In the US manufacturing sector, some industries with high technology content or high added value are comparatively easy to reshore, such as aviation, automotive, semiconductor, computer and other industries. These industries have characteristics such as technology intensity, strong innovation ability, and large demand for capital, talent, technology, etc.
However, in some labor-intensive industries, such as light industry, textiles, they face greater difficulties. This is because the production cost of labor-intensive industries is too dependent on cheap labor. If they want to reshore, the cost will significantly increase, which will be difficult to maintain local competitiveness. In addition, supply chain, facility construction and other issues need to be considered, as well as risks and delays that may be introduced by long-distance transportation.
The reason why voters support reshoring of manufacturing is to obtain job opportunities, but the jobs created through the so-called reshoring of manufacturing in the United States actually have nothing to do with most average-educated Americans.
The current president is using the achievements of the former president to boast.
The current President of the United States has done almost nothing to bring back manufacturing, and his actions have been largely uncreative, relying on the achievements of the former president. His $1.9 trillion economic stimulus plan was simply a response to deflationary pressures that required market intervention. However, due to deflation, employment in the United States not only did not increase but actually decreased due to ongoing difficulties in business operations.
His proposal to "raise corporate tax rates and strengthen measures to combat counterfeit goods" is purportedly designed to protect domestic manufacturing, but is actually just a slogan. These are works that should have been carried out under normal legal procedures in the United States. However, the practice of raising taxes has left many enterprises that intended to build factories in America feeling deceived.
Therefore, when the American media praises the effectiveness of bringing back manufacturing, they are essentially singing the praises of the achievements of the former president, not the current one. Claiming credit for the achievements of the previous administration in order to win votes and compete in the upcoming election is somewhat ridiculous.
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